On a scale of 1-5. how much focus do you put on these.
I love & serve others in the name of Christ, talking to them about the good news of salvation & what God does in my life.
In my church, by being part of specific ministries
In the social areas of life, my family, my neighbors, people I meet as I live life
In the marketplace, at work, at the coffee shop, with my Uber driver, etc.
In the civic arena, working for righteousness in government, serving those in our civic supported institutions such as schools, colleges, firemen, law enforcement, etc
My Gifts
I intentionally try to love and serve others in my neighborhood, at work, in my community, etc. using my special gifts, time and treasure.
I build my Biblical literacy skills so I can show what I believe is found in the Bible and I can explain things like how the Old Testament and New Testament relate and what the different books of the Bible are about.
My Score:
I spend time regularly in the word of God.
My Score:
1 = Needs lots of improvement 5 = This has my full focus